Thursday, March 14, 2024

It's "Feierabend" at "Riverbend"



After half a day of sitting on the ride-on and cutting grass, the rain set in which allows me to watch this entertaining YouTube clip about the ten words we should steal from the Germans.

I agree with nine of them - and I would add "Fingerspitzengefühl" and "Tapetenwechsel", the former of which I needed in my work and the latter I exercised more than fifty times in the course of my working life - but "jein" didn't even exist when I turned my back on the "Vaterland" nor was there any need for it because back then the world was pretty much either black or white for all of us, and so it was either a straight "ja" or "nein".



It's six o'clock in the evening here at "Riverbend". It may've be a bit of a "Schnappsidee" but I've cracked open my first and, with my drinking days behind me, only beer of the day and wish you all "schönen Feierabend".