The story of the "Mary Celeste" might have drifted into history if Conan Doyle hadn't published it in his "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement" in 1884. His sensationalistic account set off waves of theorising about the ship's fate; it also immortalised the vessel's misspelt name as "Marie Celeste" which I have used for the houseboat pictured above.
It is usually moored further up the river but still visible from "Riverbend", with no-one visibly aboard, and then, at the start of yet another weekend, it has miraculously shifted downriver to a mooring just off "Riverbend", again with no-one visibly aboard. Another case of "Marie Celeste" indeed!
I've had my breakfast, watched the documentary again, and also had another look outside - yep, she's still there, as quiet and mysterious and seemingly abandoned as ever, the "Marie Celeste" of the Clyde River!