Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pushing s**t uphill


Nelligen's new sewerage pumping station at the top of Bridge View Road


Remember the famous death scene in which Harry Lime's fingers grasp through a grate in the sewers below the streets of post-WWII Vienna? "When a zither starts to play, you'll remember yesterday; in its haunting strain Vienna lives again; a song that's always new; in your heart a part of you; oh, shines so brightly when you hear the 'Third Man' theme" - click here.

Unlike Vienna's sewerage system - and countless others since Roman times and well before - which all run on gravity, Nelligen's yet-to-be-connected sewerage system is a push-and-pull (or blow-and-suck, if you like) vacuum system operating through pipes of such small diameter that it would be incumbent on all of us never to indulge in a full-blown vindaloo.

It'll be a long time between meals should the pumps in that new building shown above ever fail. Here's hoping we won't all be pushing s**t uphill!

Now stop holding your nose and watch Harry Lime in "The Third Man":