Saturday, August 17, 2024

Another Greek morning



There's only one thing better than a night spent in front of the blazing fireplace, and that's a sunny morning spent beside the river for a quiet Frühschoppen with a glass (or two) of retsina and a tub of tzatziki, both of which are an acquired taste.

I acquired my taste for them during the two years I lived and worked in Greece, and as much as I still miss Greece, I never miss out on my white bread dipped in tzatziki and washed down with a glass (or two) of retsina. After all, as the poet Percy Shelley proclaimed in the preface to his iconic verse drama "Hellas", "We are all Greeks", and he went on to explain how Greece is the birthplace of European civilisation: "Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their root in Greece".


Read Shelley's "Hellas" here


Something to reflect on on another Greek morning. Στην υγειά σας.