Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Daw Khin San Myint



She was the one who waited patiently for you to come around, to finally give yourself to her completely and realize that she's the one for you. She was the one who supported you in everything you did and you just took her for granted. Now you've lost her and you regret not being able to tell her how much you cared for her and how much you loved her. Now it's too late for could haves, would haves and should haves.

You probably thought that she would never even think about leaving you because you knew she loved you with her whole heart. You probably thought that she will stick by your side and that you still had time to have some more fun. She may be patient, but she's not a fool, she wasn't going to wait for you forever. She's proud and strong and she knows that she's worth much more than you gave her credit for. She mustered the strength and walked away, even though she loved you truly. She just couldn't take your lies and excuses anymore and she couldn't wait for you any longer.

She was naïve enough to think that you will change over time, that you will realize she's the best thing that has happened to you. She gave you all the chances she could but you just took her for granted. All she did is believe in you and your love, and all you did is fail her trust each and every time. Time and time again she forgave your misgivings and she hoped that there will be no next time. She hoped that this will be the last time you've caused her pain and that you'll finally give her the respect that she deserves. But time and time again she was wrong. That day never came and she just couldn't wait for it any longer.

She walked away and never looked back and there's just nothing you can do to change it. She will no longer tolerate your egoistic nature, your insecurities and your foolishness. She will no longer sacrifice herself for someone who doesn't appreciate her, for someone who doesn't know how to express his love, for someone who hasn't matured yet. She will no longer accept your lies and deceptions because she knows that she can have something much better. She knows that she deserves something much better, something that you will never be able to give to her.

She may be hurting, she may be in pain, but once the crying is over, she will pick herself up, dust herself off and carry on with her life. She will wipe away her tears and promise herself that she will never cry for you again. She will never let anyone else treat her badly again.

Now she starts to live again. Now she starts to love herself again, to reinvent herself and to rediscover her passions. She is finally free of your negativity, of your toxicity and she can live life to the fullest again. She can enjoy the little things, she can be happy and she can search for her soulmate. One day she will find the person who will light up her eyes and fall madly in love. She will love again and she will be loved the way she deserves.

You'll regret losing this beautiful, amazing woman who was ready to give herself to you completely. You'll regret losing this one-of-a-kind woman who was ready to be your partner and to spend her life with you. She was going to give it all to you, but you just didn't know how to cherish her.





Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would have never set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithacas mean.

                              --Constantine P. Cavafy


I've read these consoling words many times, finding curious ambiguities in them ...


Friday, July 17, 2015

Deutsche Kolonien

... und hier ist noch ein Propagandafilm mit Hans Albers:

... und hier kommen noch "Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika":

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Das Leben der Anderen


Gestern abend sah ich mir "Das Leben der Anderen" an. "1984" ist gar nichts dagegen! Und es ist so wahr! Und so deutsch! Wie können diese damaligen Spitzel und Bespitzelten jetzt zusammenleben? Ich bin froh dass ich von der Scheiße weit weg bin.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Am Wochenende kommen Gäste


Das nächste Wochenende ist "Canberra Day" in diesem Land der langer Wochenende und wir haben eine dreitägige Buchung für "Riverbend Cottage" von einem Ehepaar aus Canberra.

Sie, Tove, ist Norwegerin und er, Walter, ein Deutscher aus Hannover. Da heißt es also die alten deutschen Spielfilme abzustauben und ich fand sogar einen originalen norwegischen Film, O'Horten.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hier wohnte und arbeitete ich


Von Ende September 1968 bis Ende März 1969, also ganze sechs Monate, lebte ich in dieser Kleinstadt am End der Welt, zwischen Meer und Wüste, um genug Geld für die Rückreise nach Australien zu verdienen.

Für mich war Süd-West Afrika nur eine Zwischenstation und ich hatte nie die Zeit die nahgelegene "Geisterstadt" Kollmannkuppe zu besuchen.


Aber für einen anderen jungen Deutschen, der dort mein Freund war, wurde es zur Endstation - siehe hier.

"There, but for the grace of God, go I!"


Die Dame, scheint mir, hat Humor

Die Dichterin vom Wannsee


Renate, die "Buchdame" in Berlin, hat ihren inneren Max und Moritz entdeckt und schickt mir solch ein Gedicht:


Das hübsche Fräulein Abilu
hat Sorgen jetzt mit der Figur.
Man sagt ihr zwar, sie sei passabel,
jedoch das ist indiskutabel.
Sie schaut sich die Diäten an,
die Werbung ist ja voll davon,
nimmt eins von diesen Pülverchen,
hinweg mir euch, ihr Pölsterchen.
Jedoch der Alltag ist voll Tücken
mit all den leckren Kuchenstücken.
Sie schämt sich zwar ein kleines bisschen,
es war doch nur ein kleines Stückchen.
Aber morgen, morgen ganz bestimmt
Die Taille ihren Anfang nimmt.


Und dann noch eins:


Das hübsche Fräulein Abilu
sehnt sich nach einem Himmel in azur.
Drum fliegt sie an den Südseestrand,
genießt dort Sonne, Meer und Sand,
liegt auch am Pool wie hingegossen,
das süsse Leben wird genossen.
Nur etwas die Erholung stört,
Die Preise sind ja unerhört.


Danke schön, "Frau Busch"! Dichter werden ist nicht schwer, Dichter sein dagegen sehr. Hier ist ein Wilhelm-Busch-Original das uns vielleicht allen auf den Leib geschrieben ist:


Eins, zwei, drei, im Sauseschritt
läuft die Zeit, wir laufen mit,
schaffen, schuften, werden älter,
träger müder und auch kälter,
bis auf einmal man erkennt,
dass das Leben geht zu End.
Viel zu spät begreifen viele
die versäumten Lebensziele,
Freunde, Schönheit der Natur,
Gesundheit, Reisen und Kultur.
Darum, Mensch, sei zeitig weise,
Höchste Zeit ist's! Reise, reise.


Hier ist noch mehr, aber glücklicherweise nicht von der Renate.