Thursday, September 28, 2023

I will vote 'YES' ...



I will vote 'YES' if they change the referendum to ask, "Do you think there should be a full and transparent audit held into Aboriginal funding and into the people who have so badly mismanaged it?"

However, there's much more to this con job than a simple feel-good 'YES'.



But I leave the last word to Bruce Alexander, someone I had never heard of before but who makes a lot of sense. Please listen to this to the end:



The Australian Human Rights Commission defines 'racism' as "... the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race."
What a perfect definition of the proposed VOICE referendum!


Let's close this post with Kamahl's "The Sounds of Goodbye" which a then-girlfriend in Port Moresby in 1984 used to play day and night. Maybe she already knew something I didn't because by the end of that year I had said goodbye and was on my way to a new job in Burma. More memories!